Get started with Calendar

4. Share and view calendars

Next: 5. Customize your calendar



Share your calendar with co-workers, family, and friends so they can easily see when you're available. You can look at other people's calendars to do the same.

4.1 Share your calendar



Choose whether to share your calendar publicly or only with your organization:

  1. Click SettingsSettings and then Settings.
  2. On the left, click your calendar.
  3. In the Access permissions section, choose an option:

Let someone see your calendar in a web browser:

You can get an HTML link to your calendar that you can share with people.

  1. Click Settings Settings and then Settings.
  2. On the left, click your calendar.
  3. In the Access permissions section, click Get shareable link and then Copy Link.
  4. Paste the link in an email and send it.

Share your calendar with specific people and choose how much they can see:

When you share your calendar with someone, you can decide how they see your events and whether they can also make changes, such as adding or editing events.

  1. Click Settings Settings and then Settings.
  2. On the left, click your calendar.
  3. In the Share with specific people section, clickAdd people and enter the email address or names of the people you want to share your calendar with.
  4. Choose a sharing permission option:
    • See only free/busy (hide details)
    • See all event details
    • Make changes to events
    • Make changes and manage sharing
  5. Click Send.

Share your calendar with people who don't use Google Calendar:

  1. In the Share with specific people section, click Add people.
  2. Enter the email address or names of the people you want to share your calendar with.
  3. Click Send.
  4. If the person you're sharing your calendar with doesn't use Calendar, click Invite to send them an invitation to use it.

Share a calendar

4.2 View other people's calendars


Wondering if someone is available to meet? Add a team member's calendar so you can instantly check their schedule.

Add a team member's calendar:

See calendars of others

4.3 Create shared calendars


In addition to your own calendar, you can create shared calendars to track group activities, such as project schedules or co-worker vacations.

Create a shared calendar:

Create a calendar

Share a calendar:

  1. Open Calendar and under My calendars, point to the calendar you want to share, and click MoreMore and then Settings and sharing.

  2. Choose an option:
    • To share with individuals—Under Share with specific people, click Add people and add the person or the email address of the person you want to share with. Click Send.
    • To change wider sharing settings—Under Access permissions, select Make available to public or Make available for organization name.

4.4 Import and export events and calendars


You can import event information to your calendar or export your calendars. Learn more about importing events to Calendar.

Import event information:

Export your calendars:

A ZIP file downloads to your computer. If you open it, you'll see individual ICS files for each of your calendars. To import the files back into Calendar, take the individual ICS files out of the ZIP file and import them one at a time.

Import and export calendars and events

4.5 Delete a calendar


  1. Click settingsand then Settings.
  2. Select the calendar you want to delete and scroll to the bottom.
  3. In the Remove calendar section, choose an option:
    • Click Unsubscribe if you want to unsubscribe from calendars that are read-only.
    • Click Delete if you want to delete calendars that you own.

Delete a calendar

4.6 Add out-of-office dates to your calendar


  1. In your calendar grid, click the first day that you're away from work.
  2. Click Out of office and select a time period.
  3. (Optional) To explain you're away from work, enter a message in the Decline message section.
  4. In the Visibility section, choose an option:
    • Public
    • Default visibility
    • Private
  5. Click Save. Any new and existing meetings during this time will be automatically declined.

Mark days out of office

Next: 5. Customize your calendar

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